Saturday 28 June 2014

5 ways to tell if you are a Natural Hair Snob!

1. Your face contorts when you see a ‘sister’ with a weave longer than Rupunzel. In fact any kind of    weave is offensive to you.

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2. It bothers you that a so called ‘natural’ has coloured their hair, and to add salt to the wound, its  blond!

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 3. You turn your nose up to a ‘natural’ that doesn’t use all natural hair products on her skin, face arms and legs. They even wear makeup to make matters worse.

4. You become hot under the collar if a fellow natural likes to rock ‘twist outs’, ‘flat outs ‘ or just plain ‘abc outs ‘and hasn’t chosen to embrace their natural curl pattern (assuming they have one)

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5. It bothers you if a ‘natural’ happens to be rocking a weave or braids and she is ‘natural’underneath. However according to the natural laws, they still aren’t natural.

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Personally I think its important that we try to stay away from rigid titles and methods that put people into boxes. I would like to see more woman embracing the hair that grows out of their head and see people working with their own hair rather than using weaves and extensions as a crutch. However, I don’t consider you less natural because you choose to colour your own hair or wear a weave as a protective style. Ultimately we have to accept people for who they are and the choices they make. Educate and then leave it up to the individual.

Check out my website at:

Carriene x 

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